Cold Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also known as “cold laser” therapy, is an innovative technology whose use is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to stimulate healing, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and restore function in the body. A low-level laser has a power output below 1W, thus producing no tissue warming and is extremely safe.

While “hot lasers” with a power output above 1W are commonly used to cut through tissue and cauterize blood vessels in surgical procedures, low-level lasers are primarily used for tissue healing, pain relief and inflammation reduction. Because the Microlight Laser System is a Low-Level Laser with a power output of 90mw, it cannot burn any tissue and is very safe to use.

Relief for Pain and Illness

Numerous reports from the global scientific community have shown that LLLT as safe and effective for the following:
⦁ Arthritis / Joint Pain
⦁ Bursitis
⦁ Fibromyalgia
⦁ Knee Pain
⦁ Muscle Pain / Spasms
⦁ Shoulder / Rotator Cuff
⦁ Tendonitis
⦁ TMJ Pain / Dysfunction
⦁ Whiplash
⦁ Back Pain / Neck Pain
⦁ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
⦁ Heel Spurs / Plantar Fasciitis
⦁ Migraine Headaches
⦁ Nerve Pain / Radiculopathy Sciatica
⦁ Sprain / Strain
⦁ Tennis Elbow
⦁ Trigeminal Neuralgia
⦁ And much more.

Additional Benefits of LLLT

According to published studies, in addition to promoting healing, restoring function, and providing pain and inflammatory relief, LLLT but may also stimulate, restore and heal the skin. A few of the effects of LLLT include:
⦁ Increased collagen production
⦁ Increased vasodilation
⦁ Increased cell metabolism
⦁ Increased cell membrane potential
⦁ Increased microcirculation
⦁ Increased lymphatic response
⦁ Enhanced nerve regeneration
⦁ Reduced inflammatory duration
⦁ Increased pain threshold
⦁ Reduced edema magnitude
⦁ Increased tissue and bone repair
⦁ Increased enzyme response

How Does LLLT Work?

LLLT’s powerful ability to assist in bodily repair and pain relief, as well as its ability to reduce injury damage and loss of function, repair damaged tissues faster, create stronger healed tissue structures is a result of how it affects the body on a cellular level. 

LLLT uses the photo-stimulation of specific wavelengths of light to stimulate the light-reactive biological cell receptors (chromophores) in the body. As a result, it enhances the body’s repair and healing mechanisms, healing injured tissue and reducing the overall duration of inflammation. In addition, it stimulates the mitochondria to increase the energy production of the cell. This provides relief from inflammation, pain and spasms while increasing the natural range of motion and flexibility of the injured areas.

Although the complete effects of LLLT on the body are not fully understood, studies also indicate the treatment improves circulation and pain reduction through reduced blood pressure, vasodilation (the widening of blood vessels), improved capillary circulation, and increased production of endogenous opiates (endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins). In addition, it accelerates healing and decreases pain by slowing the reception and transmission of sensory nerves. 

It works to promote healing from injury, inflammation, and certain diseases by accelerating and enhancing the body’s natural defense and repair mechanisms. This makes an excellent treatment for sports and workout injuries and other illnesses or conditions.

Ensuring a Successful LLLT Treatment

The success of LLLT treatment depends on the right application, penetration, and energy level. By delivering the optimal laser wavelength to the target tissue, soft and connective tissue injuries and disorders can start healing. To achieve therapeutically significant outcomes, sufficient photons must be delivered to the target tissue. This depends on the appropriate wavelength and the device power output.

Laser Wavelengths

Once the light from the laser reaches bodily tissues, it distributes in the shape of a ball or egg, spreading its energy widely in the target area. Its depth or reach depends on the wavelength. While short 632nm visible red wavelengths provide a smaller, ball-shaped distribution that is easily absorbed at the surface by blood and the skin, longer 830nm invisible infrared wavelengths provide an egg-shaped distribution that penetrates deep into the tissue. The longer wavelengths have been science-backed and proven to produce certain biological reactions that shorter wavelengths are incapable of achieving. The 830nm laser therapy has become increasingly popular by delivering more significant results.
For example, treatment areas at a depth of more than 1cm from the skin surface require a combination of 830nm wavelength with a 30mW output to achieve the optimum photon beam. Devices that use other wavelengths and a low 5-10 mW output won’t be able to supply sufficient photon energy to penetrate deep tissue levels.

LLLT and Increased ATP Production

According to a study published by Japanese medical professional Dr. Noriko Mochizuki*, on laser therapy and ATP production, tissue levels of ATP (the body’s energy) were significantly increased when the target area was irradiated with at least 830nm wavelength laser light. Lower levels, such as 643nm, did not have the same effect.

While ATP production is not the result of temperature modification, it is a response to the effect of laser light photons. This study, along with numerous others, confirms the unique capability of the 830nm laser wavelength to stimulate cellular responses that result in accelerated metabolism and repair.

By stimulating ATP, which is the primary source of cellular energy and activity, the cells’ ability to perform and complete biological processes is greatly enhanced.

LLLT and Increased Endorphins

Dr. Laakso et al from the Royal Brisbane Hospital in Australia conducted studies (source:  prove significant increases in plasma levels of endorphins as a result of Low-Level Laser Therapy from 830nm laser irradiation. Like studies conducted in Japan, Dr. Laakso et al found that low doses of laser irradiation did not provide significant increases in endorphin levels.
The study further confirmed that the 30mW power output delivered better results than the low power, 5-10 mW units in endorphin stimulation. In short: the 830nm wavelength can stimulate the production of pain-reducing plasma endorphin levels, while lower wavelengths cannot. This information is essential for clinicians treating patients for pain.

What to Expect

Your first visit will include a thorough assessment where we’ll discuss your medical history, current symptoms, and goals. We’ll then design a personalized treatment plan and explain how we can help you achieve optimal results.

Book an Appointment

Ready to take the next step towards better health? Schedule your appointment today and start your journey to recovery. Contact us at (704) 583-6129

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