Weight Loss

weight loss Do you know how many people today struggle to lose weight but end up frustrated because nothing seems to work? 

We do, and it’s A-LOT! This is the reason we have this program for our patients. We understand the importance of proper weight and weight loss for a person. Especially when it comes to their overall health. We see many people who have significant back problems aggravated by their body weight.

What is our Rapid Weight Loss Program?

The Rapid Weight Loss program, supervised by a doctor, is a natural and holistic program that can help people lose up to 20 pounds per month. The main goal is to help people lose weight quickly and reach a healthy weight, enabling them to live their best life.  
It is based on three essential pillars of success needed to lose weight quickly and necessary to maintain it over time. 

The Three Pillars of the Rapid Weight Loss Program are:

⦁ First, receive support from healthcare professionals. Learn the program and have all your questions answered. See how simple and easy this approach is to long term health and weight management.
⦁ Take small dosages of potent, holistic supplements for 60 days.
⦁ Follow a wellness lifestyle and a low-carb Mediterranean-style diet.

How Does the Rapid Weight Loss Program Work?

To lose weight safely and quickly and protect your metabolism, you'll follow the three pillars of the program for 60 days. This program uses the latest research, it is updated yearly, and has three steps to help you enter mild to full ketosis. 
This means your body will use stubborn fat for energy, so you'll slim down without feeling hungry or frustrated. 

There are three-step phases in the diet program

We teach you specifically which foods to eat and when. Foods you can purchase from your local grocery store. The number of calories does matter on a weight loss program, but what you eat is more important.

There are three phases while using our supplements:

Phase 1: We get you primed for the low-calorie days.
Phase 2: You'll follow a low-carb Mediterranean-style diet focusing on foods that are high in nutrients and can help with weight loss. This includes high-quality proteins, vegetables, occasional legumes, moderate organic dairy, and healthy fats.
Your body will begin using your fat stores rapidly when you eat the right foods on a low-calorie program.
Phase 3: A specific food plan to maintain your ideal weight.
You do not need to count calories throughout the program. 

What's the science behind the Rapid Weight Loss Program?

Many find it extremely difficult to lose stubborn body fat on your own. You need an intervention!

Your body cannot just "burn" fat. To use your stubborn body fat stores for energy, the body must be in a state/place where it converts some fats into ketone bodies, allowing it to use this as fuel. This fat fuel/energy is higher than the typical energy produced when burning sugar.
We consider this program as a mildly ketogenic diet. We are not doing an Adkin’s Diet, Ketogenic Diet, and Paleo Diet which can be very restrictive and difficult for long-term weight management and success.

For lack of a better word, this Rapid Weight Loss program will help kickstart your weight loss efforts, inducing a mild to full ketosis, that can be sustained. 

However, not all rapid weight loss programs are equal.
This is why our program relies on its three essential pillars to set you up for a sustainable long-term healthy weight.  

How does the fat come off? 

The program tricks your body into switching its energy supply away from glucose/sugar use for energy, towards your fat stores, prioritizing visceral over subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is the more dangerous and difficult fat to get release. It is the fat which is deep, surrounding many of your organs, or viscera.

While calories are crucial in weight regulation, they are one factor that needs to be considered within the context of hormones and human behavior. Hormones play a significant role in influencing appetite, fullness, and fat storage.

Visceral fat (white fat) is what needs to be focused on. Once this fat starts to decrease, insulin and blood sugar stabilize. Hormonal balance improves. 

 In turn, this reduces cravings for sugary and starchy foods, remarkable metabolic changes begin, and you are on a fast-moving train enjoying rapid weight loss. 

How will the supplements help me achieve my goals?

Low-carb days can be relatively challenging initially, and here is where our core supplements will make a significant difference.

The essential supplements to our program will help you achieve your goals. How? Through appetite support, metabolism boost, and increased energy. This will help to control your appetite and balance your hormones, making this journey enjoyable and effective.

Now you can go on a low-calorie diet without feeling frustrated and tired. There are only three supplements which must be used throughout the program.  

Who is this Rapid Weight Loss Program for? 

This is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not be suitable for everyone. However, if you're determined to achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health, this program is for you.

Losing weight and breaking away from unhealthy habits can be challenging, but the results of significant studies of rapid weight loss programs have demonstrated an inspiring alternative.

With a typical weight loss of over 22 pounds sustained for 12 months, the results are remarkable, especially for those with type 2 diabetes seeking remission.

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